Advice for anyone wishing to experience healing

UK Healers is the largest voluntary self-regulating body for Energy Healers, Spiritual Healers and Energy Therapists in the UK.

Spiritual healing is the oldest and most natural form of non-invasive support for Wellness of the body.

The word healing means to make whole Many people who have received healing claim it to be a wonderful and life changing experience, yet for the majority of the population it is still shrouded in mystery and they ask, What is healing?

Simplified, spiritual healing is the channelling of healing energies through a healer to a patient; stimulating within them the facilities to self-heal. It is a simple act that is intelligently carried out - Harry Edwards. The healing energy is not of the healer but comes through the healer and its source is regarded as a divine, universal energy, which exists in all things.

The Greek word energeia, from which our word energy is derived, was also the New Testament word for spiritual. Essentially, everything in the universe is made up of energy - it is a force, which surrounds and permeates all living things. Spiritual healing is very much a holistic discipline, with the implicit belief that health is not simply a matter of being free of symptoms of disease, but of the harmony of the whole person at all levels - spiritual, emotional, physical and mental.

Healing, whether received once or on numerous occasions, can never be guaranteed to produce either an improvement in health or a cure. However healing given by a fully trained and experienced practitioner will never cause detrimental effects or harm, but in the majority of cases will produce a marked improvement. It is often the case, that a patient, or a patient's relatives, will ask for spiritual healing as a last resort in a longstanding deep-seated illness, for which medical treatment can do little or nothing.

Spiritual healing is not the prerogative of any particular religion, it is a natural resource available to us all and as such is non-denominational.

What to expect during healing

Healing can be given sat in a chair or on a therapy bed or indeed in your absence (distant healing) and you will not be asked to remove any clothing.

The session will last approx. 30 minutes although this may vary from healer to healer. Some healers work in your energy some healers work “hands on” this means they will make contact with your body, this will be agreed and explained before the session begins.

All that is required from the patient is an open mind and an intention to be part of the process with an open heart. Patient’s receiving healing may experience sensations of being re-energised or relaxed, pins and needles, heat or coolness, and pain coming to the surface and dispersing, indicating that the energies are indeed going to work.

Healing can be given for peace and relaxation, any illness, stress or injury as a therapy, which is completely natural, has no side effects and is complementary to any other therapy.

Healing can be given for peace and relaxation, any illness, stress or injury as a therapy, which is completely natural, has no side effects and is complementary to any other therapy.


You do not need to be ill to benefit from healing

Healing often helps with speed and extent of recovery – from serious illness, major surgery, mental wellbeing and from the effects of treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

It works well with all forms of Holistic medicine. Usually patients feels more stable and relaxed, and often experience a beneficial change to their attitude to life, a situation which often arises in cases of terminal illness where healing brings serenity to the patient and to relatives and friends as well.

Some of the benefits reported by people:

  • Feeling calmer
  • Feeling more interactive
  • Feeling less aggressive
  • Feeling kinder
  • More understanding
  • More accepting
  • Sleeping better
  • Lighter in mood
  • Clearer head
  • Joints more flexible
  • Feeling more relaxed
  • Feeling healthier
  • It helped with pain releif
  • It lifted depression
  • Created mental relaxation

Healing can be given for peace and relaxation, any illness, stress or injury as a therapy, which is completely natural, has no side effects and is complementary to any other therapy.

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